May is Healthy Vision Month. It’s important to have a comprehensive dilated eye exam once a year to check for common eye problems. Taking care of your eyes is a priority, just like eating healthy and getting physical activity. While in quarantine, it may not be possible to get an eye exam; however, there are things you can do to protect your eyes.

Eat right to protect your sight.

Keep your eyes healthy by eating a well-balanced diet. Load up on different types of fruits and veggies, especially leafy greens like spinach, kale, and collard greens. Fish like salmon, tuna, and halibut have been shown to help your eyes, too.

Get moving.

Being overweight or obese can put you at higher risk for diabetes and other conditions that can lead to vision problems. Exercise keeps your weight in check!

Speak up if your vision changes.

Is your vision blurry? Do you squint a lot? Ever have trouble seeing things? Consult your ophthalmologist if your eyes are bothering you or if you notice any changes in your vision.

Keep the germs away.

Always wash your hands before putting them close to your eyes, especially if you’re putting in or taking out contact lenses.

Gear up.

Playing your favorite sport? Using chemicals to clean your home? Mowing the lawn? Wear the right protection to keep your eyes safe. Many eye injuries can be prevented with better safety habits, such as using protective eyewear.

Wear your shades.

The sun’s rays can hurt your eyes. Choose sunglasses that block 99% or 100% of both UVA and UVB radiation from the sun. And remember, you should never look directly at the sun.

Give your eyes a break.

Do you spend a lot of time looking at a computer, phone, or TV screen? Staring at any one thing for too long can tire your eyes. Give your eyes a rest with the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, look about 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

Say no to smoking.

Did you know that smoking is as bad for your eyes as it is the rest of your body? Smoking can put you at risk for some pretty serious eye issues, which can lead to blindness.

Talk about it.

Does anyone in your family have issues with their eyes? Not sure? Ask! Talking about eye health with your family can help all of you stay healthy, and discover any underlying hereditary or genetic issues with your eyes!